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Hi!! There are some new faces here so I guess it’s about time that I do a reintroduction of myself!
My name is Chantal and I grew up in North East Saskatchewan in a little town called Nipawin. I am the youngest of 3 kids. We are all 1.5 year apart. I went to school in Nipawin from grade 1-9 In grade 10 we moved to the big city of Saskatoon, where I finished my Grade 10-12 with my Bilingual Diploma. Once graduated I completed my Occupation Health & Safety course at SIAST college. After completing my course, my parents and I moved to Fort Mcmurray Alberta. I worked various jobs, then I soon started my career of running heavy equipment for a small contracting company. After 6 months of running equipment, I applied at Suncor Energy which lead me to my 6 year career, starting at the age of 19 as a Heavy Equipment Operator. I ran the biggest trucks in the world (797 CAT) as well as D8-D11 CAT dozers. I worked a great rotation at Suncor of 6 on and 6 off. During that time, I spent a lot of time travelling. My biggest and most memorable trips were to Thailand, Indonesia and India as well as a few various trips to the USA. My family spent a lot of time here during the summers of my high school years visiting Osoyoos. In 2014 I finally decided to make the move to Osoyoos BC! Once here, I took my Esthetican certificate in Penticton and started working at a couple of the resort spa's here in town. I took the leap and went out on my own in March 2019. I started by opening up my day spa in Oliver then moved my business back to Osoyoos in June of 2022. I have been with my Fiancé for over 6 years, we have one dog, Topanga aka Birdie as well as one cat, Ollie! A few of my favourite things include baking/cooking, canning (well really anything in the kitchen), homeopathy, spending time outdoors, camping, travelling, learning new skills, fitness and early mornings! My dream is to one day work from home and homestead on a little piece of land, where I can grow a great big garden to sustain our family all year long as well as having some chickens and other small animals.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you are new here, I look forward to meeting you!
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